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No Fantasy Required
No Fantasy Required Read online
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A threesome isn't only a man's fantasy....
Ever been tempted to fulfill your fantasy and experience something taboo? Brian and Kelly have…and they do just that when they escape to a mountain resort to de-stress and enjoy their favorite pastime--sex. There, they meet mysterious Tauni.
One hot man and two sexy women heat up the mountain air that leaves no fantasy required.
Content Warning: Explicit sex/language, f/m/f and f/f sex scenes
“Tell me a story,” he whispered into my ear, running his tongue along the edge of my lobe.
“Mmm, what kind?”
“You know.”
I shifted a little, bringing myself higher on his cock, then slid back down. “How about you tell me one.”
“You’re the storyteller, not me.”
I leaned back and both of us let out a groan of pleasure as the angle rubbed him against my ever so sensitive g-spot. After a moment I managed to say, “I am not. You’ve never told me one and I want you to.” I fell over his shoulder and rocked my hips harder.
Brian tightened his arms around me. “You’re just so much better at it than I am and I want to know more of yours.”
I leaned back and placed my hands on his chest. “You do know some.”
“Ah, only some? What about the ones you’re not telling me?”
I was silent, thinking about what to say--
“How about I tell you my fantasy?”
A voice startled both of us.
Through the steam from the hot tub I could tell a woman stood there.
“Mind if I join you? It’s a little chilly standing out here.”
No Fantasy Required
Copyright © 2010, Cristal Ryder
Edited by Antonia Tiranth
Book design by Pamela Tyner and Renee Rocco
Cover Art by Valerie Tibbs
First Lyrical Press, Inc. electronic publication: November, 2010
Lyrical Press, Incorporated
17 Ludlow Street
Staten Island, New York 10312
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This book is a work of fiction. The names, characters, places, and incidents are products of the writer’s imagination or have been used fictitiously and are not to be construed as real. Any resemblance to persons, living or dead, actual events, locale or organizations is entirely coincidental.
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Published in the United States of America by Lyrical Press, Incorporated
For my meat man.
So many people have traveled along the road with me to becoming published and I’m grateful to them all. Two very important ladies have to be recognized. Kate, your friendship and knack for having the perfect thing to say at the right moment, through good and bad times, helped more than you can possibly know. Jenny, without meeting you through the contest in 2001 I doubt I would be here today. Your availability for questions and advice over the years has been invaluable. To my first ever editor, Antonia Tiranth, I have learned so much from you. The inspiration behind this story came a few years ago and without the support I received from MW for encouraging me to explore Kelly and Brian’s adventure their story would not be possible. And of course my family, for putting up with my crazy mood swings, computer disasters and the odd diva moment. My sincere gratitude.
Chapter 1
The blizzard had raged all day. During dinner we watched it swirl around the dining room windows, creating mini mountains of snow next to the floor-to-ceiling glass. Then it just stopped. The view took my breath away as the clouds rolled across the rugged mountain to reveal the full moon. I sighed. It was so wonderful to be here with my man. With the dining room mostly empty, we nearly had the place to ourselves and chose a private spot to shield us from potential prying eyes.
Brian sat across from me, enjoying his perfectly prepared tenderloin. I drank in his appearance, so familiar yet exciting. He struck a very deep chord in me, both on an emotional and physical level. The swell of love I felt for him surely emanated from my very pores. Again, I said a silent thank-you for the time we were able to carve out of our busy schedules to escape for a mini holiday.
“Here, Kelly, try this.” He held out his fork speared with a piece of meat. I smiled and leaned toward the tempting morsel. I lipped it into my mouth, chewed slowly and nodded. It was good. Brian refocused on his plate satisfied I liked his meat. I continued to watch him.
Our connection was unique and I wasn’t surprised when after a little bit his gaze met mine once more. He must have sensed me watching him. His hazel eyes held a mischievous sparkle that set me all atingle. Brian knew the impact he had on me but right now his appreciation for the food and wine before him proved much more enticing than me. He raised his eyebrows, pointed to his steak with his fork and nodded his head. The enthusiasm for a good meal was only rivaled by fine wine. He reached for the bottle and topped both of our glasses.
I leaned on the table a little more and crossed my arms under my breasts, knowing they would plump up and push against the silk of my blouse, creating a tantalizing view for him. As expected, his gaze dropped down to my girls and stayed there. I pressed my arms tighter to create more exposure, not quite enough to view a nipple, but enough to see the edge of my lacy bra. A throaty laugh bubbled up from me when he paused mid-pour and his expression clearly indicated his thoughts.
I was getting hot knowing he enjoyed the view.
A piece of cutlery dropped somewhere on the restaurant’s slate floor and I glanced toward the noise. I noticed a gorgeous dark-haired woman sitting a few tables away and it surprised me to see her staring at me. She focused on my very artfully exposed breasts and I was struck, unable to look away from her.
Her dark, sultry eyes met mine and my breath caught. Red heat flamed in my cheeks. It flustered me and I felt clumsy when it really should have been her to feel embarrassed after staring at me so brazenly. She oozed sexuality and her exotic beauty captured me. Never had I seen anyone with such a captivating face. Either she was a natural beauty that required just a hint of makeup or she knew how to master it to perfection. Her chocolate brown eyes were large and perfectly shaped, with lashes that swept up in a gentle curve. Her lips glistened a very deep red in the low light of the room and appeared ready for kissing. Her nose fitted just right. She was extraordinarily interesting to look at and sparked a mystery longing to be solved. I couldn’t move, then it dawned on me I wanted her to look at me.
My arousal for this woman surprised me and tilted my world sideways from the intensity of her gaze. Raw and different, something I hadn’t experienced before. Thoughts that had only whispered around in my mind came forth a little more loudly. I felt completely distracted now and the words I was about to say to Brian fled my lips.
The clatter of dishes, cutlery and murmur of other patrons faded into the background. She sipped her wine and watched me. My breath hitched and my hearing dimmed, totally attune to every move she made. I struggled to look away from her and re-focus on Brian. I cleared my throat, tr
ying to think of something witty to say, but nothing came and I blurted the first thing that popped into my mind.
“Guess what I hear?”
Brian managed to look away from my breasts and peered at me from under his eyebrows with a quizzical expression. Okay, what did I hear? Think, think!
Where this thought came from was beyond me but the fact it materialized in perfect time relieved me. “The hot tub. It’s calling to me.”
He gave me his cute smile, accentuating the dimple on his right cheek, and my heart flipped over. “And just what is it saying?”
I leaned closer to him, all the while acutely aware of the woman sitting at the other table. “It’s saying ‘Kelly, Brian, I’m waiting for you. Hurry up, it’s a nice night and I’m all hot and ready.’” Little did he know how hot and ready I was too!
Brian’s wonderful hazel eyes took on that special soft look, just for me, and I knew he was game as well. I pushed all thoughts of the dark-eyed beauty out of my mind and shifted my attention to Brian and the evening before us.
Chapter 2
“It’s freezing!”
I couldn’t help but laugh and hang on to Brian’s hand as he pulled me across the freshly fallen snow. We created quite a fashion statement with our white, fluffy robes and big, winter boots, dashing through the snow.
It spilled over the tops of my boots and chilled my bare legs and feet, numbing them. But the reward of the tub would be well worth it. Our suite was the farthest from the main lodge and had a private outdoor hot tub. It was only a short jaunt from our room in a private setting between a few full-grown, white pines amid conveniently dim lighting. A small iron fence and decorative gate were supposed to deter others from using it. Hopefully it worked and we had it all to ourselves.
My teeth chattered and I clutched the front of my robe closed to keep the chill off my bare skin underneath, barely managing to juggle two wine glasses without breaking them.
Brian had two bottles of a good Amarone della Valpolicella under his free arm. I longed to feel the hot water around me and snuggle up against Brian’s hard, sexy body.
“Almost there,” he assured me.
Usually the deck was cleared of the snow but not tonight. Snow rose up the sides of the tub and I could barely see it.
“Why don’t we make some naked snow angels first?” My lips were stiff and the words slurred a bit from the icy air. I wasn’t drunk, not yet anyway.
“Sure, but do you think you can handle the cold? You’re already complaining about being frozen.”
He smiled at me and I warmed inside. I couldn’t get enough of him, my one true addiction. His dark eyes held promises for me I knew he wouldn’t break. Mmm, Mmm, I rubbed my legs together and tightened my thigh muscles, heightening the tension. I could hardly wait to get ahold of him.
“I’m not complaining, just making a suggestion.”
He let go of my hand, hoisted the lid of the tub and flipped it back. The essential oil I had poured into the water earlier in the afternoon still remained and sweetly pungent rosemary fragrance rose into the frosty night air. Brian pulled off his robe and kicked his boots aside. I watched his fluid movements and forgot how chilled I was. He took my breath away. His shoulders were wide and square, his strong chest covered with dark hair. The rough feel of it beneath my fingers was heaven. I allowed my gaze to follow the tantalizing path of hair that disappeared beneath the waist of his Hawaiian flowered trunks. I knew what wonderful treat hid behind those hibiscus blooms.
I pulled at the sash and the robe slid off my shoulders. It hooked on my arms and I stood before Brian in the moonlight, knowing he watched me. A fleeting memory of the woman from earlier passed through my mind and I quickly pushed it away. I straightened my arms and let the fluffy material slide in a bundle around my feet.
The air hit me, causing my nipples to tighten and grow hard. Brian sucked in a breath and I swore I saw movement behind those flowers.
The bright moon shone across us and cast us in its silvery light. I took a step closer to Brian and the snow chilled me almost up to my knees. I knew I wouldn’t be able to stand it much longer and needed to get in the tub fast.
Brian stood stock-still and stared at me, more specifically at my tits, and it stirred me up a little more. I enjoyed being looked at, it turned me on. I took another step closer and leaned forward, brushing the hard peaks of my nipples against the hair on his chest. The frigid air combined with his rough hair was exquisite.
Before he could reach out and touch me, I slipped past him to the deep snow and fell into it backward. The shock of it took my breath away and it felt like a thousand needles pricking my skin. I let out a little scream.
“Shh. We don’t want company, do we?”
Another thought of the woman in the restaurant slipped across my mind and this time I allowed myself to think of her for just a moment.
I gave him a wicked smile. “That depends.” I could feel my muscles stiffening up and reached for him. “Come on, it feels excruciatingly amazing.”
Almost frozen now, I forced myself to stay a little bit longer. Snow dusted across me, melted in other areas and I felt wet between my legs. Was that me? I stared down at myself and thought how wonderful the snow made everything look. My skin glimmered like silver and tossed diamonds under the glow of the moonlight. I opened my knees and exposed the sensitive folds of my pussy to Brian’s view. Cold air rushed into my warmth. I had to get into the hot tub.
Brian dropped to his knees between my legs, sucking in a hiss of air when he struck the cold snow. But instead of staying between my legs and using his fabulous fingers on me…inside me, he scooped me into his arms and held me close to his bare chest. His wonderfully warm skin thawed me a little and I snuggled against him.
“We can’t have you getting pneumonia and not being able to enjoy our escape.” He held me over the steaming water of the tub. “Ready?”
“Don’t drop me!” I squealed and clung to his neck when he faked a drop. He shut me up with a kiss, a soft sensuous one with lots of tongue that drove me wild. The simple act of his lips on mine, soft and then firm, his tongue probing and touching, made me so hot for him I could barely stand it.
He faked another drop, but held on to me and only my freezing butt hit the hot water with a shock. I clung to him as he lowered me farther into the water. With painful pleasure, I defrosted as the water washed over my frozen skin.
“Mmm, this feels unbelievable.” I sighed with relief at the tingle in my flesh as it fluttered through the transition from icy cold to hot. I shivered and lay back in the water, the tips of my breasts bobbing just below the surface and the nipples poking through the bubbles.
“Doesn’t it feel wonderful?”
Brian climbed in and settled down next to me with a groan. “Oh, yeah.”
Water bubbled and frothed around us, the steam rising in misty clouds into the night sky. I rested my head back on a cushion and gazed up at the stars sparkling in the inky blackness. I loved it when the sky looked like that. It was spectacular.
“The stars are fabulous.”
“Yes, they are,” Brian agreed, “but right now, I’d rather be looking at you.”
He very strategically brought the conversation up again, the one from dinner while we were waiting for our entrées, a fantasy we’d touched on time and again. My thoughts flashed to the woman sitting across from our table, and the tiny frisson of excitement I’d felt when her warm, dark eyes lingered on my breasts.
Prompting me, Brian said, “I know you want it.” He stroked my cheek with a fingertip. “And you know how much I like giving you exactly what you want.”
I mulled the idea over in my mind, round and round. We’d talked about it on and off, but never went any further than that. Just talk. Bringing another lady into our bed. It intrigued me but it also frightened me. Well, maybe not frightened, just a lot of “what ifs” kept running around in my ever-active brain.
Our escape to this mountain resort was
for rest. We led busy lives and needed downtime. So, here we were, for rest and…sex. One of our favorite pastimes. I smiled thinking of some of the sexcapades we’d gotten up to on other vacations.
But this fantasy was a little bit outside my comfort zone, or was it? Surprisingly, if I let the idea take hold and thought about it for a while, it excited me. There were so many things to consider if we decided to step on that path. For some reason it didn’t seem real, or that it would ever happen. What if it changed our relationship? What if Brian preferred her to me? What if I didn’t like it or liked it too much? My reaction to the woman at dinner proved I could have feelings for a female, which disconcerted me a little bit. Was I afraid to make the move, unsure of what the outcome would be? I didn’t want to jeopardize our relationship, I loved Brian. But I also acknowledged it was something I wanted to explore, eventually. Brian made it clear the choice was completely up to me. My decision and he would be there for me, always.
“You’re quiet.” Brian’s voice reached me through the mist, interrupting my thoughts.
“Mmm. Just enjoying the wine, the water and the night.”
He reached over and expertly poured the vintage Amarone into my wineglass, then set the bottle down. He swirled the wine around, sniffed the aroma and took an appreciative sip. I could watch him do the most mundane things. He took such pleasure in the ordinary and everyday…completely embracing life. Brian’s dark hair shimmered with ice crystals, his broad shoulders and the curling hair on his muscular chest visible above the water. His eyes had that look in them again. Unable to resist, I drained my glass and set it down on the edge of the tub, then floated over to him.
Brian smiled. “Here comes the shark.”
I laughed. “I’m going to gobble you all up.”
“I like being gobbled.”
I floated right into his arms and let my hand brush across his lap. As I expected, he was hard. I slipped my hand up his thigh under the swim trunks, wrapped my fingers around his cock and squeezed. He rewarded me with a groan and pulled me tighter. I purposely brushed the tips of my breasts against the dark fur on his chest. Tingles tickled me all the way down to my belly button and started a sweet ache in me that begged to be filled by his lovely hard cock.